Intermediate Group Class

07/08/2023 9:00 AM - 10:00 AM
Sit N' Stay Dog Academy
Address: 10401 Wilsky Blvd, Tampa, FL 33625, USA

Existing clients of SNS who have been approved by an SNS trainer to attend group classes are welcome to join us for an hour of exercises so you can practice your commands and communication tactics to strengthen your dog’s obedience abilities. This class helps you continue to build your relationship with your dog and strengthen your handling skills. Please wear proper attire for working your dog and walking on different terrain.

Water bowls and buckets are available for all healthy and properly vaccinated dogs.

This is an outdoor class. Please be advised that insect repellent may be needed, as our facility is located near wooded areas.

Please contact us if you have questions or need additional information to find out if this training class is for you.